Ex­hib­i­tions 2007

06.11.2007 - 11.01.2008 - Ex­hib­i­tion "Schu­len, die ganz an­ders sind. Re­form­schu­len in Ver­gan­gen­heit und Ge­g­en­wart."

The exhibition of the project seminar "Schulen, die ganz anders sind. Reformschulen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart" shows how diverse the institution of school can be. Based on the observation experiences of students, various reform schools are presented using three-dimensional objects they have created themselves, objects they have brought with them, photo collages and posters.

The observations are related to a project seminar in the subject of education, which took place in the summer semester of 2007 at the Paderborn University's Institute of Education Studies under the direction of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Keim. In the seminar, different concepts and models of reform schools were first analysed in terms of their underlying pedagogical ideas, followed by excursions lasting several days to the Marienau rural education home near Lüneburg and to the integrated comprehensive schools in Cologne Holweide, Cologne Chorweiler and Göttingen Geismar.

The students were given the task of finding a reform school themselves, exploring it during a one to two-week observation period and then compiling an observation report. The combination of theory and practice was of great importance. The aim was therefore to analyse pedagogical ideas and the pedagogical concept of the respective reform school in terms of their implementation.

The exhibition centres on the experiences of the students in the schools they visited. The spectrum ranges from schools in North Rhine-Westphalia, to schools in the supra-regional field, to schools in Switzerland and Scandinavia. The students involved in the project set individual accents in the presentation of the selected schools, reflecting their experiences and feelings.

The exhibition can be visited during the opening hours of the University Library: Monday to Friday: 7.30 - 24.00, Saturday to Sunday: 9.00 - 21.00 (closed on public holidays).

The opening of the exhibition will take place on 6 November 2007 at 5 p.m. in the foyer of the University Library.

Contact exhibition:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Keim, Education Studies Institute of Paderborn University,
Lydia Jenderek(lydiaje@web.de),
Esther Weiland(estherweiland@web.de)

> Exhibition poster

10.10. - 30.10.2007 - Sprach­schätze in Pader­born. Hand­s­chriften und Drucke zum frühen Deutsch aus der Erzbis­chöf­lichen Akademis­chen Bib­lio­thek

From 10 to 30 October, manuscripts and prints from the Archbishop's Academic Library will be on display in the foyer of Paderborn University Library. They all show early forms of our modern German over a period of a millennium. Charlemagne appears as an early sponsor of his mother tongue and the man of the old Hundred Marks (Sebastian Münster) as the saviour of an Old High German confession. On display are an observation book for a monastery cook that contains no recipes, drug recipes from the Paderborn periphery and many other curiosities.

The exhibition emerged from the seminar "German language history using the example of sources in Paderborn libraries" and was prepared by the students during the summer semester break. The exhibition, which was financially sponsored by Sparkasse Paderborn, can be viewed during the library's opening hours.

Guided tours are available for pupils of all school types and other interested groups.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on 11 October 2007 at 18.15 in the foyer of the University Library.

Opening hours of the University Library: Monday to Friday: 7.30 a.m. - midnight, Saturday to Sunday: 9.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.

Contact exhibition:
PD Dr Klaus Siewert, Institute of German and Comparative Literature
(phone: 0170/5469192)

Registration for guided tours:
Leah Laven (e-mail: leahlaven@web.de)

> Exhibition poster

24.05. - 04.07.2007 - Ikon­en ein­er Gren­zan­lage - Spuren­suche im heut­i­gen Ber­lin

Remains of the Wall in Berlin are becoming increasingly rare. The formerly divided city is growing together more and more and many places where the Wall or the border strip once ran have now been built over and are no longer recognisable as such. Although it is only 17 years since the fall of the Wall, the appearance of Berlin and the attitude to life in the capital have changed fundamentally.

However, the Wall lives on not only at the tourist sites where physical remains of the Berlin Wall can be seen, but also in the self-image of the city, its inhabitants and visitors - as an icon of the Cold War, the division of Germany and as a symbol of personal fate and suffering.

In November last year, a group of 36 students from the Media Studies programme, led by Prof. Dr. Barbara Becker from the Institute of Media Studies and photographer Jürgen Spiler, travelled to Berlin to search for traces of the visible and invisible remains of the Berlin Wall. The resulting photographs and sound recordings are now being presented as part of an exhibition in the University Library.

The exhibition can be seen from 24 May to 4 July 2007 in the foyer of the University Library during opening hours: Monday to Friday 7.30am - midnight, Saturday 9.00am - 6.00pm and Sunday 10.00am - 6.00pm (closed on public holidays).

You are cordially invited to the opening on 23 May at 3.00 pm in the foyer of the library.

> Exhibition poster

24.01. - 01.03.2007 - Par­is. Im­pres­sion­en ein­er Stud­i­en­reise

From 24 January to 1 March 2007, Paderborn University Library is hosting an exhibition entitled "Paris. Impressionen einer Studienreise". In September 2006, students from the subject area of art went on an excursion to France's capital with Prof Dr Jutta Ströter-Bender. Artistic ideas were developed in the seminar beforehand, which were expanded and realised during the five-day stay.

Since their return, the students have worked intensively together to finalise their projects and to organise and plan the exhibition. The results are numerous works on Paris and its sights, and the diversity and inventiveness of the art speaks for itself. In addition to paintings, prints and photography, more unusual installations and objects can also be seen in the foyer of the university library.

An opening ceremony will take place in a festive setting on 23 January 2007 at 4.00 pm in the Notebook Café in the entrance area of the University Library. The opening will be accompanied by music from students of the subject area, and there will also be a performance. Anyone interested is cordially invited to visit the exhibition.

The exhibition can be viewed during the opening hours of the University Library (Monday to Friday: 7.30 a.m. - midnight, Saturday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.).

> Exhibition poster