Facts and fig­ures 2014

Gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

  • Opening days per year: 350
  • Opening hours per week (regular opening hours): 107
  • Proportion of closed stacks in %: 10


  • Gross area in m²: 9.414
    of which user areas: 7.123
  • User workstations: 607
    including 522 reading workstations (323 individual workstations and 199 group workstations),
    including PC workstations: 85 (51 internet, 32 intranet and 2 multimedia workstations)

In­vent­ory and ad­di­tions

  • Total holdings (monographs, journals, microfiches, CD-ROMs, databases, etc.): approx. 1,77 million media units
    including printed journal subscriptions: 1.160
    including electronic journals: 45.763
    including electronic holdings: 437.316
  • Additional access to freely available electronic journals: 49.081
  • Additional access to freely available databases: 5.899
  • Newly acquired monographs: 18.750
  • Newly acquired e-books: 9.111


  • Library visitors: 1.319.220
  • Active users (= borrowers): 21.394
  • External users: 3.345
  • Local lending:
    441.734 Loans
    1.682.951 Renewals
    2.124.685 Total borrowings
    95.951 Reservations
    440.745 Rebookings
  • Interlibrary loans:
    13.902 positively completed orders from lending interlibrary loans and
    12.874 positively completed orders from receiving interlibrary loans
  • Search queries in the local WWW catalogue: 4.128.938
  • Queries on the UB websites: 9.285.181


  • Library staff according to the staffing plan: 57,19


  • Trained persons: 5
  • Training days of all employees: 176